The Media Network of the Future
Earn up to 1.5% per day by staking PKT!

PKT is a decentralized media network on Base that pays people to stake and host infrastructure for the network.
The audience-facing application offers a platform for content distributors—ranging from major players like Netflix and Amazon to smaller competitors and publishers—enabling them to reach global audiences through an experience similar to Apple TV using blockchain and mesh networking technology.
Get paid to stake with friends!
Earn a yield bonus for every friend who joins!
If anyone uses your affiliate code, they get a 1% yield bonus. Plus, you get a 4% yield bonus for each person who uses your affiliate code. You also get an additional 1% bonus for anyone they sign up 1 tier down.
So if you know any influencers or KOLs, send them your link…
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What is PKT?
What is PKT staking?
What is Staking liquidity?
Why Stake PKT tokens?
How to Stake PKT tokens?
How to Buy PKT tokens?
Why are we building the PKT Network?
What does the PKT Network do?