


  • the PKT daemon
  • the PKT wallet
  • and pktctl for interacting with the wallet

Install golang

First, you need to install the go programming language, how to do it is mostly outside the scope of this website but you can learn more here:


Install git

Next you will need to make sure you have git installed. The first thing to do is check whether you have it installed already:

git version

If it prints something like “git version 2.21.1” you’re in luck and you can continue. If it prints something more like “command not found: git” then you’ll need to install it

Installation will depend on your system, for debian/ubuntu like systems you will want “sudo apt install git” and for OSX with homebrew, you’ll want “brew install git”

Install the components

Once you have golang and git fully installed and set up, you can use the following commands to install pktd, pktwallet and pktctl.

git clone github.com/pkt-cash/pktd
cd pktd

Launch pktd

Now, you can launch pktd:


This should show some output such as the following:

2019-08-16 13:47:56.526 [INF] SYNC: Processed 843 blocks in the last 10.01s (843
transactions, height 843, 2019-08-16 05:56:50 +0000 UTC)

This tells you that it’s properly syncing the chain. In another window, you can check the status of your node.

./bin/pktctl getinfo

Check the Block Explorer to see the most recent block

Setup the wallet

First you’ll need to create a wallet

./bin/pktwallet --create

Then once it is created, launch it


Now in another window, you can interact with the wallet. First you might want to create for yourself an address:

./bin/pktctl --wallet getnewaddress

Or get your current balance:

./bin/pktctl --wallet getbalance

To send PKT to somebody, you need to first unlock your wallet. In this example, we’re keeping the wallet unlocked for only 60 seconds, you can change the number at the end to your liking.

./bin/pktctl --wallet walletpassphrase <password you used when creating wallet> 60

Then send cjd a 10 pkt tip.

./bin/pktctl --wallet sendtoaddress pP6Vh6GiL4HsMfcPby5xHQTyBUApd7mewg 10

For an exhaustive list of all the RPC calls you can make, use:

./bin/pktctl -l
Begin Mining PKT Details